Ciao! =]
So i've finally followed through and started a blog. I have no clue what i'm doing but i'm excited to learn and post! I have wanted to start a blog for a while but couldn't figure out what I wanted the focus of the blog to be...well, Im still not entirely sure but maybe thats just's a place to post my random thoughts, things that are cool or that I love, life experiences, inspiration and whatever else I come up with haha. But mainly I wanted to have a place other then just Facebook etc.. to share with family and friends all of the experiences I will have studying abroad in Italy this Fall semester.
Beware..I am an aweful speller, extremely random, kinda sarcastic, tend to abbreviate (thanks to my former roomy =P) and use a lot of dots.... ha so bare with me =] I am not a professional photographer....and nothing close to it (even though I would love to experiment someday) but pictures are one of my favorite things and I plan on updating you with pictures of the beautiful sites abroad as much as possible.
22 days from now I will be on a plane heading to Florence, Italy (Woot Woot)... and for those of you who might be directionally challenged like myself, here is the map.. I will be studying abroad here until mid December

I have all sorts of emotions right now as I prep for this trip..nervousness, anxiety, confusion, but most of all crazy excitement. I've wanted to travel and explore ever since I was little and one of the reasons I chose to attend KSU was because of this amazing opportunity.
So many people have been encouraging and helpful with giving me info, contacts, etc.. and I am so thankful for all the support!
Okay, I don't want to write a ton so I'll wrap this first post up...
If you have any tips on blogging, traveling abroad, and so on your comments are appreciated!
And i'll leave ya with some (googled) pics of my future home for the next 4 months=]

This pic I stole from my friends blog. (muaha..I guess I should prop ask for their permission =P) This is Mackenzie, who lived in Italy last year along with her hubby Justin who studied there. They have both been so informative, encouraging, and I don't know what'd I would do without their tips and stories of their experience abroad. I love all of the pics Justin and Kenz took in Italy and can't wait to take my own!
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